Yes! The weekend just seemed too long. With just no plans whatsoever, we rented a car for the long weekend. We will put together something before Friday, we told ourselves. It was Friday night and we did not have any plans but just a destination in mind. Napa! The wine city!
Navin and I have a reputation to maintain. We never, by never I mean just never ever PLAN for any trips. Not that we don't try. We spend hours and hours browsing the Internet and looking for 'things to do lists' and end up with 'blank' on our lists. We are super duper happy when friends join in because that means we can have some fun activities on the trip. So here we were, just nothing on mind, except that we were going to Napa.
Some of our friends who had been to Napa told us about the hot air balloon rides. OKAY! We knew something we could do! We looked up for some balloon rides and decided on one near Sanoma county. Then booked some room near by hotel. As usual we started later afternoon to reach the hotel in the evening. Went to Chevy's for a late lunch or umm early dinner. Stayed in the room so that we don't stay up too late feeling tired to get up early for the balloon ride. For those who don't know, the balloon rides are usually at 5 or 6 in the mornings! I know... that's too early... but this time we had made hotel reservations and driving plans and also decision to stay indoors so that we reach on time for the balloon ride at least.
BTW, America got Talent so not so bad an option for a Saturday night! (#FML) Seriously!
We got up at 4:30 am to be right in time for the ride. But looks like the weekend was supposed to be a quite one, no adventure added. The ride was called off because of windy conditions. What? NOOOOO! Did I hear you right Mr. Balloon Owners? You guys don't know how much effort it was for us to make it this far! But it was for real! The ride had been called off. What did that mean? It meant we head back to the hotel and sleep for some more time. And that is what we did.
That same evening we headed back home... stopped at a couple of wineries on the way. Went to a Premium Outlet mall in Napa :) On the way back we needed just that little more for a fun filled vacation. So we decided to drive to Fremont for a Hindi movie called 'I hate love stories'. Bad choice, we knew AFTER we watched it! Here are some pictures from our not so planned trip.

After the ride (which never happened)

Outside Mondavi Wineyards

Tasted some bests of Mondavi's wines